"Musika" Composed/Arranged by Bem Orchestrator
Movie review score

Before we start our journey into understanding music, we really need to discuss a few things here.

The basic materials of music is SOUND and TIME, so we really need to understand first and define these terms to make sure we are on the same page. Simply put, I don't want my readers confused with terminologies being posted in this blog.

Sound is the sensation we sense by our hearing (the ear) when sound waves are produce and reaches the ear. Vibration is the periodic motion of a substance. Example, just pluck the strings of a guitar. You would normally see the strings moving back and forth making vibrations together with the air and the whole guitar itself. Thus, you hear sound because of vibrations.


-is the highness and lowness of a sound. The greater the vibration of a sound, the higher the pitch we hear.

- is a musical sound of definite pitch.

- is heard as the loudness or softness of a pitch, also termed as amplitude.
- in music, intensity is interpreted by the following Italian terms.

- is the the length of time, a pitch or a tone is sounded. There are different patterns of tone but the terms used on this subject are meter and rhythm. We will discuss these terms in a different topic, let us leave it as it is for now.

- is the quality of a sound being produce, you may also call it the tonal color of a sound. It is the very property of a sound to let us distinguish the difference of two sound sources. That is why we can identify the sound of your mother yelling at you from the sound of a doorbell.

There you go! I think you are ready to start the lessons now. I have reserved the other terms on different topics and did not include them here for the reason that they might try to scare away a few interested musicians. We will try to keep a friendly learning environment within this blog. Not that those terms aren't friendly at all but I would like to somehow simplify even the most complex matters under this study.

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